The Brave Girl
The Brave Girl
Written for a 5 year old girl who needed a life saving liver transplant, The Brave Girl helps children be brave everyday. From doing things you don't want to do to overcoming fears, The Brave Girl has helped many children be brave.
The Brave Girl also adds an element of diversity and worldliness as it teaches children how to say "I am brave" in different languages. Included in the book is a blank certificate for "The Brave Girl Club", which you can write your child's name in and present them with.
Partial proceeds of this book will be donated to Sick Kids Hospital in support of the Brave Girl.
Her message to all of us: Save a life and register with
"Thank you for creating a beautiful story with inclusive images of kids". - Natalie (parent)
Hardcover dimensions: 8.5"x 11"
Softcover dimensions 8"x 8"